Did God Just Speak To Me Through My Coffee Cup?

“ I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

Revelation 3:15-16

I started this devotion based on an experience I had one morning while having my cup of coffee. I sat on my back porch, watching the morning and absentmindedly drinking my coffee. When I first sat down, my cup was hot and steaming. It felt good to drink and warmed me as it went down my throat. I then began to get lost in my thoughts, and before I knew it, I was drinking cold coffee. It no longer warmed my insides and tasted delightful. I had let my cup grow cold without noticing, and once I realized it, I no longer wanted it. I was amazed that I could be so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice it slowly going cold. It took me by surprise. As I sat there dwelling on that thought, I was suddenly jolted by a thought interjecting itself in my mind. Jesus had talked about lukewarm Christians. He detailed lukewarm is spit out. Hot is the best, but a cold drink reminds us it isn’t hot and startles us to realization. Lukewarm has no such warning and easily lulls us to complacency. I was ashamed to think of how my lukewarm faith had crept in lately. I would get busy and justify not studying my Bible. In times of crisis, I would try to figure it out myself instead of yielding to that small voice telling me to take it to God. I was slowly becoming lukewarm. About that time, I received a call from my husband, who casually asked what I was doing. I wish I could have seen his face when I responded, “just listening to God talk to me through my coffee cup.” He speaks to us in many different ways, and I have begun to discover to look and listen to the thoughts He gives me when looking or thinking about simple everyday things. He is calling and teaching me. I need to be in a position to listen and learn.

Father, please jolt me to realize when I am slipping into lukewarm. Give me ears to hear You when You speak to me. Forgive my complacency and continue to talk and teach me. I love You!

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He knew my voice


Because I Said So